Democratize Streaming Ad Buying with! 

Democratize Streaming Ad Buying with! 

By Jonathan Moffie

May 24, 2024


Last year, I wrote in TVREV about CTV’s major fill rate problem. While Streaming TV audiences grow at a record pace, a report by One Touch Intelligence puts ad fill rates for streaming at a paltry 38%. The remaining ad opportunities are currently being allocated to PSAs or the dreaded 'We will be right back' promos that plague our industry.

CTV Ad Fill Rates

There are many reasons for this fill rate problem, but one thing is clear: The industry needs to expand and democratize the market for TV advertising. Only 500 advertisers dominate TV spend, whereas 9 million advertise on search and social spending $300B+ per year. Millions of advertisers are just waiting for a viable way to buy TV. It’s critical we make ad buying simple to unlock this SMB spend on Streaming TV.


streamr's core mission is to democratize streaming ad buying by removing the friction of the high costs of creative and the complexities of launching advertising campaigns.

After hundreds of conversations with folks in AdTech working at DSPs, SSPs, Broadcasters, and Agencies, the answer became clear. Our best shot to pull this future forward is offering our GenAI Solutions to platforms that already have a lot of advertiser demand and can leverage them to bring more small and medium-sized businesses into the streaming ecosystem.

We are doing this with three core products. Let’s dive into them to see how your business could leverage GenAI to increase revenue!

GenAI Ads Manager

Our GenAI Ads Manager is our deepest integration. It’s perfect for DSPs, SSPs, Broadcasters, and other Ad Platforms that want to offer their own self-serve ads manager but don't want to spend millions on engineering resources. You get your own self-serve ads manager with your branding and native integration into your platform.

Click here to learn more about the features that come with the GenAI Ads Manager.


If you run a DSP, SSP, or ads manager, you have experienced the pain of missing out on ad spend because an advertiser doesn’t have ad creative.

In the case of Streaming TV, your sales team will convince a small business of the benefits of running an ad on TV, but then they are scared away by the $10,000+ sticker shock of producing a commercial. Never miss out on ad spend again by offering your advertisers Generative AI creatives.

The GenAI API enables you to offer your advertisers GenAI creatives and AI Editing. You can fully customize the integration into your platform. Choose the APIs you need and get the integration code you want in any programming language! Check out our API here:


streamr GenAI PRO is our newest product. It’s perfect for agencies who want to augment their creative teams with GenAI creative features!

GenAI PRO Features

GenAI PRO also gives your agency AI-powered performance tools for launching and managing campaign spend on behalf of your advertisers.

AI-powered performance tools

The Mission Stays the Same

We are still running campaigns through our ads manager, but we will prioritize enabling other ad platforms to offer their advertisers cost-effective GenAI solutions.

This shift in focus is so streamr can enable the industry to adopt GenAI faster and realize the vision of Democratizing streaming ad buying for hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized businesses.

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